Following the raging storm of this past Monday, the sun has blessed us once again and I was able to take a solitary, but stimulating stroll through the sixteen flourishing acres of LongHouse. Come and join me for a spring peek and just imagine the birds chirping and peepers peeping.

Today our usually too-small parking lot is empty, but the trustworthy Thalia daffodils persist in a bank of immaculate white.

Their pristine purity and flying angel wings usually make them my favorite, but I was blown away by coming across several stands of miniature ‘White Petticoat’ newly planted by our Horticulturist, Holger.

Fern fronds unfurl everywhere.

And fresh moss makes the rocks and the leaf-layered ground come alive.

Eric Fischl’s Tumbling Woman is glimpsed through a newly-leafing weeping Japanese maple.

Some newly emerging plant life take on ghostly forms like this Rodgersia.

 While Mayapples nudge up among Hellebores shiny and gleaming.

The rocks of Kreye Canyon (one of my favorite areas tucked away in the far northwest corner) are animated by budding miniature shrubs and the tenderest of color combinations.

Let’s face it — only in nature could you get away with the clashing chartreuse and shocking pink of Dicentra’Gold Heart’.

 Looking perfectly divine here too.

Although we are famous for and parade our scazillions of daffodils, there is so much more to the spring gardens of LongHouse.

And while we long to share with you in person, just dream of the day when you will be here again walking our paths.

 Marveling at the variations in the barks and the shapes of our trees.

And caught breathless by the beauty in a flower.

While a very few of our dedicated staff, on a reduced salary schedule and working alone, are maintaining the LongHouse gardens - (permitted under the Governor's directive for essential services) —because the natural cycle is one that never quits — they are truly keeping the spirits of LongHouse up. Jack Larsen and the Trustees of LongHouse Reserve applaud the diligence and devotion of our incredible staff, most of whom have been with us for years, if not decades, as we all persevere through this together.

This is a time unlike any other.  We come together to share stories, photographs, memories and to be there for one another as one global LongHouse family. And as a family, we grieve deeply with all who’ve lost a loved one due to this horrid virus.

Rest assured that we are checking all sources available in the hope that someday soon we will be able to open our garden, at least to our members, in a safe and careful manner. We know how being amidst such beauty fills the soul in inexplicable ways.

It goes without saying, although really it cannot be said often enough, that the sustenance we have received both monetarily and in reassurances from you our supporters have encouraged us beyond all measure. We long to greet you here ~

In the meantime, stay safe and think beautiful thoughts!

With warmest regards,

Dianne B.
President, LHR Board of Trustees